Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ceramics Intentions Paper Fall 2012

Ceramics Intentions Paper
Fall 2012

This semester I want to create 3-4 new figures (full bodied or partial) that explore the notions of
childhood wonder, nostalgia, play, and the idea of interacting with one’s environment. I want to
incorporate additional imagery as well, like flora, fauna, and others. With each piece I want to create
something whimsical, fantastical, and out of the ordinary, while still being heavily inspired by the
everyday and the ordinary.

Growing overall as an artist is the primary thing I intend to do this semester in Ceramics. To achieve this I intend to:

  • Stay true to myself and my ideas, challenge myself with every piece, stay motivated, and try something new with every piece.
  • Continue to develop my own personal style while also experimenting with new imagery,methods and mediums….never being afraid to take a risk or try something new.
  • Improve on my concept of anatomical figuration, while still incorporating my own spin and style.
  • Become more aware of contemporary and historical ceramics artists.
  •  Apply to more ‘calls for entries’ and get more exposure as a young artist.
  • Become better at more confidently verbalizing what it is I am trying to communicate with my art…once I fully figure that out, of course! I tend to become a little bit scatter-brained andtongue tied during critiques.
Doing everything listed above will overall help me create a cohesive and strong body of work for
my BFA midway show!

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